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Taurus – Remembering Who Strengthens You


Updated: Apr 23, 2023

Taurus brings that stabilizing, fortifying force to our lives. It helps us get stronger. As we enter this season, let’s remember someone in our lives who STRENGTHENS US.

This is a writing practice of radical attunement drawing on inspiration, techniques, and tools from the narrative therapy, astrology, and creative writing worlds.

Your stories are the inheritance you give yourself.

They give you permission to step into your preferred identities.

Entering the Conversation

Who is this person? What means the most to you about this person?

Who is this person who has strengthened you in your life? Invite them into a conversation with you right now, in your present moment.

Feelings might come up – invite them as well. All are welcome in your brave place of writing and remembering.

Invite the parts of the person that you want to invite.

Take two minutes to write your thoughts about this person, how you see them, what you value the most about them.

Write freely and don’t worry about grammar and mechanics.

Grounding the Conversation

Where are you having this conversation?

Where are you and this person going to talk? Ground the conversation in a place. It can be a real or imagined setting. Writing anchors the space, brings it into being.

Nothing can harm you in this place. Here, you are strong.

Take two minutes to describe the setting. What can you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch?

Write freely and don’t worry about grammar and mechanics.

Creating the Conversation

What do you want to say to this person right now?

Speaking your truth: What do you want to tell this person today? What do you want this person to know right now? What parts of your life want strengthening? Where can this person shine their special light?

Take two minutes to share what parts of your life want strengthening right now. Tell this person what you need to tell them today.

Write freely and don’t worry about grammar and mechanics.

How might this person speak to you right now?

Listening to them: What might this person be interested in knowing about you right now? What would they notice about what you wrote? What questions would they ask you?

Take two minutes to write what this person who strengthens you might say to you.

Write freely and don’t worry about grammar and mechanics.

Reflecting on the Conversation

Take some time to process what you wrote.

Look over what you wanted to share with your strengthening person. Circle any words or phrases that stand out, that resonate.

Look over how this person might speak to you right now. Circle any words or phrases that stand out, that resonate.

What did you learn? What surprised you? What triggered an emotional response?

Closing the Conversation

What feels possible right now?

Express gratitude: thank your person for joining with you today. Let them know that you appreciate them, that they matter to you.

Take two minutes to explore what feels possible after attuning to a conversation with your strengthening person. What areas feel more spacious? What has shifted?

Write freely and don’t worry about grammar and mechanics.

Extending the Conversation

Reread the pieces of writing you just created.

Give each one a title.

Scan them for images, memories, words, and phrases that speak to you, surprise you, or resonate in some way.

Play with today’s writing and explore the possibility of a flash nonfiction piece, a poem, or a vignette. You have the characters, the place, and the topics.

Feel free to email me what you create. I will read it with a joyful heart. Let me know if you want to share your writing. Sharing writing is one way to create community.

Maybe what you wrote is perfect as-is and has served its purpose. That’s awesome, too.

Thank yourself for being strong, creative, and nurturing.

That’s some Taurus mojo right there –

soak it up!

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